Deadline: February 27, 2025
The Margolese National Heart Disorders Prizes was created by an estate gift made to the University of British Columbia by Leonard Herbert Margolese.

Purpose of the Prize
The Margolese National Heart Disorders Prize will be awarded annually to a Canadian physician or scientist who makes outstanding contributions to the treatment, amelioration, or cure of heart disorders. The prize is awarded with the expectation that the recipient will continue to make outstanding contributions in the future, since this is not a lifetime achievement award. Among the criteria that will be considered is:
- Impact on policy and practice
- Forging partnerships with scientists and others to foster heart disorders research and/or to implement discoveries
- Cultivating future leaders in the field
- Contributions to the treatment, amelioration, or cure of heart disorders
- Approach to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion is embedded in all aspects
of research, leadership and mentorship
Monetary Award for Each Prize
One prize of $50,000 payable in Canadian dollars will be awarded annually.
Eligibility Requirements
To be considered for a prize, nominees must be Canadian citizens holding an academic appointment in good standing and be active and productive in their career. Nominees must be nominated by an expert in their field and self-nominations will not be accepted. The nominee must have made outstanding contributions to the treatment, amelioration, or cure of heart disorders. The Selection Review Committee reserves the right to rule on the eligibility of nominees. The University may decline to award a prize in any given year if the Dean of the Faculty of Medicine is of the opinion that awarding a prize is impractical or undesirable.
Based on the prize guidelines, nominations for the 2025 competition must be for individuals external to the University of British Columbia.
Nomination Package
Nominations require:
- A letter of nomination stating the nominee’s contributions to the treatment, amelioration or cure of heart disorders, the nominee’s cultivation of future leaders, and the nominee’s impact on their field of work and approach to ensuring equity, diversity and inclusion is embedded in all aspects of research, leadership and mentorship, including a list of the nominees’ five most significant publications and the reasons why the nominee should receive the award (three pages maximum); include a statement of impact in the Nomination Letter.
- The nominee’s institutional CV, including a complete list of publications;
- Two letters of support from experts in the nominee’s field of work. At least one letter must be from an expert outside Canada and at least one letter must be from outside the nominee’s home institute (Please Note: Letter from outside Canada can be the same as the one from outside home institute); and
- Confirmation of the nominee’s Canadian citizenship.
Please address all letters to:
Vice Dean, Research
317-2194 Health Sciences Mall
Vancouver BC, V6T 1Z3
The nominations of eligible candidates may be considered for up to three years. Please refer to the Margolese National Heart Disorders Prize Guidelines for more information and complete nomination instructions.
Please see the Online Submission Portal for all submissions. This includes all re-submission nominations.