Precision Health

UBC is helping to reshape health care through advances in genomics, proteomics, microbiomics and metabolomics, along with biomedical engineering and informatics. Our expanding ability to generate data from these realms, process it and act on it is transforming how we prevent, diagnose and manage complex diseases — moving away from a “one size fits all” strategy to approaches geared specifically to each individual patient.

New Initiatives

Learn more about precision health initiatives in the Faculty of Medicine including events and catalyst grants.

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Proteins and fats can drive insulin production for some, paving way for tailored nutrition

New UBC Medicine research shows how insulin-triggering nutrients vary from person to person.
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Scientists discover high-risk form of endometrial cancer — and how to test for it — using AI

New UBC Medicine research will help ensure patients with high-risk endometrial cancer get the care they need.
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UBC researchers lead world-first organ matching project

With $5.8 million in new funding, the project aims to reduce kidney transplant rejections and the need for lifelong medication.
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Unravelling the link between pesticide exposure and Parkinson’s disease

New UBC research illuminates how genetics and pesticide exposure intersect to contribute to Parkinson’s disease risk.
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Drug discovery at an atomic scale

UBC’s Dr. Sriram Subramaniam is using powerful cryo-electron microscopes to accelerate drug development for cancer, infectious diseases and more.
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A roadmap for individualized metastatic prostate cancer care

New research traces the branching path of de novo metastatic prostate cancer, uncovering new treatment opportunities.
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Study shows potential of new treatment strategies for most common childhood cancer

UBC researchers made a key discovery about how childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemia evolves and responds to targeted therapies.
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Genetic testing could greatly benefit patients with depression, save health system millions

Pharmacogenomic testing aims to match patients with medications that are more likely to be effective based on an individual’s genetic profile.
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One in seven billion: First-in-the-world diagnosis a result of incredible teamwork

Researchers at UBC and BCCHRI uncovered a never-before-seen diagnosis for a young Syrian refugee facing reduced mobility and recurring cancers.
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Single-cell genome sequencing provides new insights into deadly cancers

New research into the most aggressive forms of breast and ovarian cancer shines light on how tumours evolve.
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