Clinical Faculty

By working alongside clinical faculty members, the next generation of health care providers — whether they be physicians, occupational therapists, physical therapists, genetic counselors, midwives, speech therapists or audiologists — will be fully prepared for the challenges of serving the needs of their patients and clients.

Join the Faculty

Find out more about becoming a clinical faculty member and how to apply.

Appointment Policy

Find our Policy and Compensation Terms for clinical faculty.

Teaching Tracking & Payment

Learn more about our project to track teaching activities and process payments.

Services & Perks

Find administrative, personal, academic and research services and resources available to clinical faculty members across the province.

Career Development

Learn about resources, activities and programs to support career development.


Find award and recognition opportunities for clinical faculty members.

Celebrating Clinical Faculty

Meet clinical faculty members who are inspiring and training the next generation of doctors and health professionals.


Find the terms, membership and current members of the Clinical Faculty Affairs Committee.


Find contact information for the Office of Clinical Faculty Affairs.

Clinical faculty members are practicing health professionals. More than 10,000 clinical faculty members contribute to the vision of the Faculty of Medicine. They teach and inspire our learners and are the role models for the next generation of healthcare professionals. They also make significant contributions in administration, professional development, and translational and clinical research.