Brain & Mental Health

Since the 1950’s, UBC has been the site of groundbreaking discoveries in understanding, diagnosing and treating a number of brain disorders and diseases. It is also home to Canada’s largest integrated research and treatment facility – the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health.

Today, more than 500 researchers continue to be at the forefront of brain research, pioneering their work around mental health and addictions, dementia, and movement disorders.

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Sugar-like molecule points to new therapeutic path for autism and schizophrenia

Heparin sulfate, when bound to neurexin, a key synaptic protein, creates a sort of scaffold, strengthening neuronal connections.
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UBC bestows national prizes on Canadian health science pioneers

Andrew Krahn, Bruce McManus, Kullervo Hynynen and Martin Gleave are being honoured for their accomplishments in heart health, brain health and cancer.
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Genetic marker could spare MS patients from liver damage

The marker illustrates the potential power of precision medicine.
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A constellation of symptoms presages first definitive signs of multiple sclerosis

Five years before classic MS symptoms appear, people are up to four times more likely to be treated for nervous system disorders.
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Two discoveries offer new targets for future Alzheimer’s treatments

The studies, published this spring in Molecular Psychiatry, hint at more precise strategies for preventing the build-up of the toxic protein, amyloid beta.
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Pre-birth exposure to anti-depressants linked to better cognitive skills 12 years later

More research is needed to see if the benefit is also accompanied by risks, such as higher anxiety.
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A quicker treatment for persistent depression?

A 3-minute session of theta bursts was just as effective as a 37-minute session of standard high-frequency brain stimulation.
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Living in sunnier climes could reduce risk of MS

Professor Helen Tremlett, in the Division of Neurology, examined sun exposure over the lifespan.
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UBC expands research into healthy aging with $24 million gift

The donation from Edwin S.H. Leong is the largest gift that the Faculty of Medicine has ever received from an individual.
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Use of fentanyl signals limits of substitution therapy for many Downtown Eastside residents

The study of people living in marginal housing also showed how quickly fentanyl infiltrated the community in 2017.
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