UBC researchers are fast becoming international leaders in understanding and eliminating heart and lung diseases.
In collaboration with international partners in healthcare and government, our researchers are crossing divisional and departmental boundaries to develop tests, biomarkers and clinical therapies that will predict, treat and cure two of the world’s leading causes of death.
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Canadians dying at a higher rate in areas with more air pollution
The study is the largest so far to look at the relationship between air pollution and mortality in Canada.
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Pain medications linked to higher cardiovascular risks in patients with osteoarthritis
Those with osteoarthritis in the study sample had a 23 per cent higher risk of developing cardiovascular disease.
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Uncontrolled asthma could cost U.S. economy more than $963 billion in the next 20 years
New study co-authored by Mark FitzGerald estimates the medical costs of uncontrolled asthma combined with productivity losses due to sick days.
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Steroids can reduce lung cancer risk in COPD patients
New UBC study co-authored by Don Sin evaluated 10 years’ worth of medical and pharmacy data.
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Filtered diesel exhaust may worsen allergy-induced lung impairment more than unfiltered
Filtered air pollution from diesel engines could make allergy-induced lung impairment worse than exposure to unfiltered diesel exhaust.
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Transforming heart health
Dr. Tara Sedlak is a central force in the field of women’s heart health.
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Even the fittest middle-aged athletes can’t outrun cardiovascular risk factors
UBC researchers found significant cardiovascular disease in 11 per cent of masters athletes -- individuals aged 35 and older who do moderate to vigorous physical activity at least three days a week.
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Hot yoga can make an athlete’s heart more efficient
A "slingshot effect" explains why athletes' plasma volumes increased after several days of hot yoga.
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UBC bestows national prizes on Canadian health science pioneers
Andrew Krahn, Bruce McManus, Kullervo Hynynen and Martin Gleave are being honoured for their accomplishments in heart health, brain health and cancer.
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UBC study raises alarm over COPD’s early impact on lungs
Patients diagnosed with even mild chronic obstructive pulmonary disease have already lost a significant portion of their small airways.
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