If you aren’t sure who to contact, the Student Research & Education Coordinator is available to assist all UBC MD students and all FoM members working with our student researchers.
MD students wishing to find a research placement within the vicinity of one of the distributed campuses may wish to contact the appropriate individual at their desired site (see below). Each site coordinator maintains a database of potential research supervisors for their specific campus. Individuals who are also interested in exploring opportunities in other areas of the province, including the VFMP, (or have general research opportunity questions) are welcome to contact the FoM Student Research & Education Coordinator.
Dr. Stephanie Willerth
IMP Research Coordinator
Email: willerth@uvic.ca
Michelle Oster
Research Manager
Northern Medical Program UBC
Division of Medical Sciences UNBC
Email: michelle.oster@unbc.ca
Barbara Oliveira
Research and Admin Manager
Southern Medical Program | Centre for Chronic Disease Prevention and Management
Phone: 250.807.8062
Email: smp.research@ubc.ca
Vancouver Fraser Medical Program (or FoM SSRP-specific questions)
UBC Faculty of Medicine, Office of Research
Phone: 604.822.7154
fom.ssrp@ubc.ca or for general research questions: med.studentresearch@ubc.ca