Find information on writing, presenting and publishing your work.
- Writing Grant Proposals - Tips from Grand Challenges Canada
- Tips for Writing and Publishing in Scientific Journals - a short article from Science Careers that outlines some basic publishing considerations and provides links to additional articles from the Science Carers website.
- Public Library of Science (PLoS) Collections - in particular their Reporting Guidelines provide advice about writing up research methodology and results.
- How to Write a Lay Summary - a how to guide prepared by the Edinburgh Digital Curation Centre.
- Communicating Research Intent and Value (using plain language) - tips from NIH on using effective communication in grant proposals including before and after examples of research summaries written for a lay audience.
- Guide to Writing a Nature Summary Paragraph - the journal Nature requires authors to submit a brief summary of their article aimed at a broad audience. These basic principles can be applied to writing an abstract as well [MS Word document].
- Writing an effective abstract - view the slides from the FoM's workshop on abstract writing that was held in support of the 2016 UBC Students in Health Annual Research Conference.
- Authorship Guidelines for Students Involved in Research Projects - an overview of useful authorship guidelines
- Protocol for publication of Student-Developed Educational Materials - Guidelines for students who wish to publish projects or materials on Entrada or on social media to comply with UBC policies
- CRediT taxonomy for author contributions (currently offline) - a taxonomy that can be used to describe each contributor’s specific contribution to a publication, or other scholarly output
- Getting your research published - talk by Dr. John Oliffe (UBC School of Nursing) with tips and strategies for writing up research and getting it published.
- PARINT Resources for Authors - Publishing Addiction Science Internationally (PARINT) has a comprehensive guide aimed at helping novice researchers in addiction science get published. The general advice is useful to novice researchers in any field and addresses choosing a journal, publishing qualitative research, responding to reviewers' reports, and common ethical issues among other topics.
- cIRcle - UBC's openly accessible, digital repository for research and teaching materials. Students are welcome to submit.
- UBC Medical Journal - a student-driven academic journal produced at UBC that welcomes articles in all areas of medicine.
- BC Medical Journal - welcomes contributions from medical students and residents.
- Undergraduate Research Journals - a list compiled by the US Council on Undergraduate Research.
- How to Choose a Target Journal - article from Springer publishing.
- PARINT - Chapter 2 from the PARINT Resources for Authors series focuses on selecting a journal for publication.
- Factors to Consider in selecting a Journal for Publication - and other related resources compiled by Bernard Becker Medical Library.
- Journal Matching tools - some publishers such as Elsevier and Springer offer journal matching tools that suggest journals based on your abstract or other submitted manuscript information. The biggest shortcoming is that each publisher only matches against their own catalogue of journals but it can be a useful starting point for further exploration.
- The Dark Side of Publishing - an interesting article from Nature on predatory, open-access journals.
- Science Communication workshops from past UBC Students in Health Annual Research Conference (SHARC) workshops on:
- Preparing a micro presentation - Tips on preparing an effective elevator pitch, Three Minute Thesis presentation, lightning talk or similar short talk lasting only a few minutes. Examples of past Three Minute Thesis presentations.
- Poster Presentation Resources
- Better Posters and Poster Perfect both offer good advice and numerous links to additional resources.
- UBC IT Digital Media Technologies Poster Guidelines.
- Designing Conference Posters - entertaining blog post by evolutionary biologist Dr. Colin Purrington.
- Scientific Poster Design - a presentation by LiLynn Graves, a web and graphic designer at Cornell University.
- Mortal Sins in Poster Presentations or How to Give the Poster that No One Remembers - a tongue in cheek commentary that tells you what not to do for your poster presentation.
- Communicating Science: Tools for Scientists and Engineers - Produced by the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) this collection of resources includes the basics of communication, how-to tips for working with reporters, strategies for using online media effectively, and more
- FoM Medical Student Travel Award
- Making the Most of a Conference - a few tips from Science Careers
- FoM Research Trainee Day and Lecture Series - FoM trainees are invited to apply to present their research at this annual event.
- Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference (MURC) - annual student-led conference at the UBC-V and UBC-O campuses. Student presenters showcase their research in either oral or poster presentation format.