
Two Faculty of Medicine members honoured with 2024 YWCA Women of Distinction Awards
June 6, 2024Dr. Tamara Shenkier and Dr. Melissa Lem were recognized for their contributions to the well-being of Metro Vancouver communities. Read More >

Aging well is connected to hearing well
June 4, 2024New UBC study examines the link between hearing loss and activity levels. Read More >

Faculty of Medicine learners receive prestigious 2024 Vanier and Banting awards
June 4, 2024Funded research project topics include breast cancer, organ transplantation and endometriosis. Read More >

Crossing the threshold
May 27, 2024In a ceremony filled with culture and tradition, eight Indigenous medical students and two Indigenous midwifery students graduated from UBC’s Faculty of Medicine. Read More >

Tuum Est! Graduation 2024
May 21, 2024This week, hundreds of new graduates — from across a wide range of Faculty of Medicine programs — will celebrate their achievements and look ahead to the next stage of their careers as doctors, researchers, midwives and more. Read More >

Robert Olson and Bernie Eigl honoured for excellence in clinical trials
May 17, 2024The UBC Medicine researchers have made significant contributions to strengthening B.C.’s clinical trials ecosystem. Read More >

UBC team receives $1.65M to train a new generation of immunoengineers
May 16, 2024Federal funding will help meet the workforce needs of B.C. and Canada’s expanding bioeconomy. Read More >

Unravelling the link between pesticide exposure and Parkinson’s disease
May 15, 2024New UBC research illuminates how genetics and pesticide exposure intersect to contribute to Parkinson’s disease risk. Read More >

Facilitating rural and northern youth to engage in regular physical activity
May 10, 2024Dr. Taru Manyanga and his research team are putting young people’s voices at the centre of the conversation. Read More >

New guidelines for depression care emphasize patient-centred approach
May 8, 2024UBC researchers led an update to the world’s most widely used clinical guidelines for managing major depression. Read More >

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UBC Faculty of Medicine
Office: 604.822.2421