
MD class of 2015 donation gives a lift to low-income patients
May 17, 2013The students donated $9,292 to Hope Air, which arranges free flights for patients needing specialized care. Read More >

Strength training + cardio workouts = less time at the doctor
May 14, 2013Yoga or Pilates, however, don't help, according to the study of senior women published in PLOS ONE. Read More >

UBC cardiologists help show that blood thinner is safe for patients getting cardiac devices
May 14, 2013Andrew Krahn, one of the study's organizers, said the findings will simplify pre-operative drug treatment to prevent strokes. Read More >

Investigations and breakthroughs
May 8, 2013Another culprit for obesity: Too much insulin A serendipitous discovery by Associate Professor James Johnson could overturn widely accepted notions about healthy eating habits. The study, published in Cell Metabolism, examined the role of insulin, the hormone that allows the body to store blood sugar for later use as an energy source. Dr. Johnson, in […] Read More >

Philanthropists bet on Faculty of Medicine for life-saving solutions
May 8, 2013Although the Canadian government is the largest single source of the Faculty of Medicine’s research funding, its various granting agencies are understandably wary of unconventional ideas. That is often where private foundations step in. Philanthropists can take a chance on a risky idea with the potential for high reward — an innovative solution that can […] Read More >

Cutting edge, without the cutting
May 8, 2013Interventional radiology (IR) is among the youngest of medical fields, dating only to the 1960s, when Portland’s Charles Dotter invented angioplasty and the catheter-delivered stent. Owing to its novelty and its reliance on technology, IR is one of the most rapidly-evolving medical subspecialities. Dave Liu is riding that wave’s leading edge. “We’re trying to develop […] Read More >

Different journeys, same destination: B.C. expands opportunities for international medical graduates
May 7, 2013As a practicing anesthesiologist in northern India, Kirti Aneja thought she had it all. Not only was she fulfilling her childhood ambition of becoming a doctor, but she was happily married to her medical school sweetheart and was expecting their first-born son. But she and her husband then made a bold decision: They left their beloved […] Read More >

Learning medicine at the "boundary of the world"
May 7, 2013For a doctor in training, a residency rotation on Haida Gwaii is an assigment like no other. Read More >

Two doses of HPV vaccine can be as protective as three
May 2, 2013The findings, published in JAMA, could lead to more widespread use of the vaccine, which prevents cervical cancer. Read More >

Getting a head start
May 1, 2013Will Guest will be the youngest graduate of the MD/PhD program. Next stop: UBC's radiology residency program. Read More >

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