UBC medical student Chance Park is one of 17 recipients of the 2020 Canadian Medical Hall of Fame (CMHF) Award. The award recognizes Canadian medical students with an established track record of community leadership, superior communication skills and demonstrated interest in advancing knowledge, and who exemplify qualities of CMHF Laureates: perseverance, collaboration and an entrepreneurial spirit.
Park is a third-year medical student at UBC who is deeply committed to amplifying the voices of health care professionals in the design and development of innovative medical technologies. His passion for medical innovation can be seen through his current research project with Stanford University, which aims to develop quality improvement medical technology, and through his role as a medical consultant at GYANT, a San Francisco based start-up specializing in patient engagement technology.
His interest in innovation extends back to his undergraduate years at UBC, when he was a director of STEM Fellowship, a national student network that provides youth with experiential learning opportunities.
Park led the establishment of 16 university clubs, holding events such as research competitions and writing workshops, and founded a community that is now known as the Canadian Association of Physician Innovators and Entrepreneurs (CAPIE), an associate organization of the Canadian Medical Association that engages more than 100 physician members across Canada.
“To join a community like the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame, whose inductees have moved mountains in Canadian society, is a real honor,” says Park.
“I hope to keep striving for positive change in the community of innovative physicians, and hope others join me, as it’s needed more than ever right now.”
For more information about the 2020 CMHF Award recipients, visit the Canadian Medical Hall of Fame website.