
Severe flu increases risk of Parkinson’s
July 20, 2012The epidemiological study also found that having red measles in childhood lowered the odds of developing the disease. Read More >

Widely-used MS drug doesn’t measurably slow progression of the disease, researchers find
July 18, 2012The study, by Associate Professor of Neurology Helen Tremlett and others, examined the effectiveness of beta-interferons. Read More >

Three new appointments to Faculty's education portfolio
June 27, 2012Paul Winwood becomes the Faculty's new Regional Associate Dean, Northern B.C. and UNBC's Vice Provost Medicine July 1. Read More >

Parkinson's gene identified with help of Mennonite family
June 27, 2012Medical Genetics Professor Matthew Farrer says the discovery helps unify past genetic discoveries about the disease. Read More >

Researchers show that stem cells can beat back diabetes
June 27, 2012Professor Tim Kieffer used human stem cell transplants to restore self-regulating insulin production in mice. Read More >

Smartphone app helps B.C. track ovarian cancer outcomes
June 25, 2012A locally-created new smartphone app is enabling ovarian cancer surgeons in B.C. to record details directly from the surgical suite to the provincial database where ovarian cancer tumour information is stored, investigated and tracked. The app, developed by the Cheryl Brown Ovarian Cancer Outcomes unit, a division of the Ovarian Cancer Research Program (OvCaRe), prompts […] Read More >

A modicum of solace for MS patients — lower cancer risk
June 21, 2012Elaine Kingwell, a postdoctoral fellow in the Brain Research Centre, led the study. Read More >

Older women more prone to workplace injuries: UBC study
June 20, 2012Although the rate of workplace injuries in Canada has been declining over the past two decades, some workers – older women in health care, for example – are much more vulnerable to serious injuries, researchers at the University of British Columbia have found. Women 55 to 64 years old are three times more likely to […] Read More >

New facility brings brain development into sharper focus
June 14, 2012The 3-Tesla MRI scanner is only the second of its kind in Canada dedicated to pediatric research. Read More >

CMMT celebrates its 15th anniversary
June 13, 2012CMMT’s 15th Anniversary from CMMT on Vimeo. Members of the medical research community gathered together on June 5 to celebrate the Centre for Molecular Medicine and Therapeutics’ 15th anniversary. More than 260 supporters from government, education, health care, and life sciences communities came out for an evening of celebration. Charles Sabine, a UK journalist served […] Read More >

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