Recognizes faculty members who have formally been identified as mentors and who exemplify a deep commitment to fostering the professional and personal development of faculty members in the early stages of their academic careers.
Aslam Anis
Professor in the School of Population and Public Health and Director of the Centre for Health Evaluation & Outcome Sciences
George A. Mackie
Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Mieke Koehoorn
Associate Professor in the School of Population and Public Health
Recognizes a clinical faculty member who has sustained educational impact in a local community and demonstrates excellence in teaching.
Warwick Evans
Clinical Instructor in the Department of Surgery
Northern Medical Program
Michael Kenyon
Clinical Instructor in the Department of Medicine
Island Medical Program
William MacEwan
Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry
Vancouver Fraser Medical Program
Andrew McLaren
Clinical Instructor in the Department of Family Practice
Island Medical Program
Recognize individuals whose performance during an assessment period (April 1 to March 31) was particularly meritorious.
Jehannine Austin
Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry
Award for Excellence in Education
Kevin Eva
Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine
Award for Excellence in Education
Michael Kobor
Associate Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics
Award for Excellence in Basic Science Research
Richard Harrigan
Associate Professor in the Department of Medicine
Award for Excellence in Basic Science Research
John Mark Ansermino
Associate Professor in the Department of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics
Award for Excellence in Clinical or Applied Research
Stuart Peacock
Associate Professor in the School of Population and Public Health
Award for Excellence in Clinical or Applied Research
Kendall Ho
Associate Professor in the Department of Emergency Medicine and Director of the eHealth Strategy Office
Award for Service to the University and Community
Mieke Koehoorn
Associate Professor in the School of Population and Public Health
Award for Service to the University and Community
Michael Brauer
Professor in the School of Population and Public Health
Award for Overall Excellence
Janice Eng
Professor in the Department of Physical Therapy
Award for Overall Excellence
Pieter Cullis
Professor in the Department of Biochemistry
Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Senior Faculty Member
Marco Marra
Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics
Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Senior Faculty Member
Clive Duncan
Professor in the Department of Orthopaedics
Award for Outstanding Contributions by a Senior Faculty Member
Presented annually to any individual, a group or an organization or a specific Continuing Medical Education/ Continuing Professional Development program affiliated with the Faculty of Medicine in recognition of outstanding innovation and/or creativity with original work in the area of CME/CPD programming.
Rivian Weinerman
Clinical Associate Professor in the Department of Psychiatry
Adjudicated within each Faculty and recognized university-wide. The prizes are awarded annually, from the Killam Endowment Fund, to faculty nominated by students, colleagues, and alumni in recognition of excellence in teaching.
Karen Bartlett
Professor in the School of Population & Public Health
Gary Brayer
Professor in the Department of Biochemistry & Molecular Biology
Steven Jones
Professor in the Department of Medical Genetics
Sue Murphy
Senior Instructor in the Department of Physical Therapy