
How exercise can boost brain power
February 6, 2014UBC Prof. Teresa Liu-Ambrose on how physical activity benefits cognitive function. Read More >

Air pollution and asthma
January 31, 2014Michael Brauer, a Professor in the School of Population and Public Health, on the link between air pollution, genes and asthma. Read More >

A more authentic cancer model
January 30, 2014Yuzhuo Wang and Colin Collins have grown the world's first early-stage human prostate cancer in mice. Read More >

U.S. home births found to have low intervention and mortality rates
January 30, 2014The study, overseen by UBC's Saraswathi Vedam, is the largest-ever survey of home births in the U.S. Read More >

A potential treatment for a rare blood cancer
January 29, 2014A non-toxic drug called ATA restored the resistance of red blood cells in patients with paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinemia. Read More >

Can waking up to a ‘summer dawn’ cure the winter blues?
January 28, 2014Psychiatry Professor Raymond Lam describes the potential of dawn simulation in a new health column in the Globe and Mail. Read More >

A widespread nutritional deficiency with consequences for kids
January 22, 2014Low levels of an omega-3 fatty acid in pregnant women increase the likelihood of language development delays in their babies. Read More >

Transforming “sprinters” into “marathoners”
January 21, 2014Medical Genetics Professor Blair Leavitt converted fast-twitch muscles to slow-twitch muscles to alleviate symptoms of ALS in mice. Read More >

Raising awareness of dementia in the Chinese community
January 21, 2014Associate Dean Roger Wong (centre) was a guest speaker at a recent forum, while UBC medical residents took blood pressure readings. Read More >

Gold standard
January 17, 2014Before heading off to Sochi, Associate Professor of Orthopaedics describes his role as Chief Medical Officer for the Canadian Olympic Committee. Read More >

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