Application Procedures

Full-time Faculty Positions

Full-Time academic faculty members are clinicians or basic scientists who have responsibilities for teaching, research and service activities (e.g., committee service). Full-Time Faculty members have offices in UBC academic space. They may be tenure-track, tenured, grant tenure-track, grant tenured or without review (i.e., no ongoing term associated with the appointment). They are employees of UBC, members of the UBC Faculty Association and pension plan, and are eligible for UBC benefits plans. Annual salary for a Full-Time appointment is dependent on rank and may derive in sum or in part from an external funding agency to the University.

Further information may be found on the UBC Faculty Relations website.

Below are instructions on how to apply and what to expect in the process of recruitment.

Applying to the Faculty

When applying for a faculty position, please follow the directions indicated in the particular advertisement. You may also wish to contact a department specifically to enquire about possible vacancies.

  • Employment Equity: UBC has an Employment Equity policy (#2); in line with this, there is wording in every advertisement in support of this principle.
  • Considerations for Foreign Academics in recruitment: Before a degree-granting educational institution can hire a foreign academic for a position in Canada, it must follow a number of steps throughout the recruitment process (see Human Resources and Skills Development Canada (HRSDC). Please refer to the Advertising Guidelines on the Faculty Relations site for more information.
  • Letter of Acknowledgement of Application: Usually, a department or school of the Faculty of Medicine will acknowledge (via a letter) the receipt of an application for an advertised position.

The Interview Stage

  • Preparing for your visit: Prior to an interview, you should receive a detailed written itinerary, and a visitor package of materials about the University, living in Vancouver, and facts pertaining to the job.
  • Travel and Accommodation: Candidates invited for an interview at the Faculty of Medicine, UBC, will usually have their travel and hotel accommodations arranged by the departmental host. Individuals wishing to make their own arrangements may do so. Frequent flyer points
    may be directed to a personal account. Please notify the departmental host to ensure compliance with UBC policy and budgetary guidelines.
  • Claiming epenses related to a visit: After the interview process is complete, clarify each expense with a brief note (on the receipt or attachment) and submit the information to the departmental contact for reimbursement. Questions regarding expense limits, reimbursement timeframes,
    etc., can be addressed by your departmental host. (University policy applies.)
  • Your Input is Welcome: Your input is welcome in all stages of the interview process including:
    – Setting the date
    – Planning travel and accommodation
    – Planning meetings with specific faculty members and/or department and school heads/ directors.
    – Receiving information to help you prepare for the interview.

The Offer of Employment

  • Considering an Offer: If you are the selected candidate for a position, you will be sent a Letter of Offer from the department/school.

The following information may be helpful when considering an offer of employment with the Faculty of Medicine, UBC:

  • Registration and Certification for Physicians (in BC): There are specific guidelines for obtaining certification for licensure through the BC College of Physicians and Surgeons. Prospective faculty are encouraged to contact the department or school representative before consulting with the college directly.
  • Relocation: Moving to UBC: Payment of all other removal or travel allowances will be made upon arrival at the University of British Columbia and will be dependent upon submission via department/school unit to UBC Financial Services an itemized statement of actual
    expenses incurred, supported by appropriate documents. The University will not settle accounts directly with suppliers except for those moving costs arranged through UBC Supply Management. Please see UBC policy #82 for eligibility
  • Accommodation/ Housing Options:
    – Download the (UBC) “Accomodation Guide” [ pdf ]
    Short Term Rental Housing options (UBC Housing & Conferences)
    Long Term Rental Housing options (UBC Properties Trust)
    Employee Housing Assistance Program (UBC Treasury)
    Multiple Listings Service off campus real estate listings
  • Childcare considerations
    UBC Child Care services offers a number of programs serving over 400 university affiliated families per year and is an ancillary operation with Housing and Conferences. Links to other resources and services are also provided.

Orientation for New Faculty

Please visit the section for “Orientation for New Faculty” aimed at assisting you with information on the University, the Faculty of Medicine and the city.